Monday 19 May 2008

My life's D day - Moving out of London

There are not many Days in Life which is sometimes most looked forward and sometimes
not expected. Both may or may not have have component which can defenitly change the way you live forever. In 2 days i will face my life changing day. I am moving out of London for good after 4 years 2 months. When you get used to a place, have lots of close friends it is very difficult to move. I have been going around london taking picture of places where i had to face tough times of my life and places where i was at my careers peak(So far). This day may lead me to a very bright future, i hope so or it may lead me back to London not hoping though and less likely. Anyway this day is Star marked in my lifes Diary. I will miss 40, Lime street, London and the Broadgate where i worked for the past 3 years, work friends, great college friends. Wow what a life i had, i can imagine the great office night outs, give office tours, an independent life with no support from anyone. All the good times now comes in front of me, its a tough decession i make for my future. Those of you who a looking to take risk like this, i am the example. Statistics shows Working in the London's Square mile is one of fond of places to work for 3/4 of worlds population, i think i belong the other 1/4 population and working in Investment has recently been in the top wanted, is it a big thing to loose, i don't think so, may be there is a bigger future for me...who knows ?

I would ink 2 days so far in my life as D day's

1) Day I left to London, without job and not good at all financially.
2) Day I would be leaving to Bangalore (2 days 2 go), with a bigger dream for me and hopefully for our society.

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