Friday 9 May 2008

Changes leading you away from Comfort zone:

Whenever we decide to start a new career in a completly different field / place, there are so many factors which affects emotionally.

1) Going out of comfort zone.
When i left India first time (4 years ago) i missed my family, my friends, missed all funny parties/ dances i used to attend, bike rides / shalimar pub. I felt i am never going to get all those back in my life. But to my surprise i got everything back, i had even more greater fun with office mates, parties which were even more funny, saw great places and great experiences from different cultures, spoke to parents even more often, trips to India every six months. Therefore i believe any passion oriented change in life is the path for more gains and more happiness in life, may be we might have to face short term pains.

2) Not getting discouraged

Most people in the world are risk averse, any sound of risk would take them back. Such friends would give comments, that can be discouraging, take these as positive signs. Remember average person always fears changes.

3) Self motivated

I am trying to be as much self motivated as possible by writing such blogs, which helps me now and may be one day for others.

4) Proper planning

Planning enough, so that the change does not seem that big a risk. If enough planning is done, the huge risk as perceived by others would seem not that big a risk from your perspective.

5) Being independent

There are many cases that 100's of people would say they will help you, but be independent. E.G someone agree to finance your business, they might not, when time comes therefore have atleast 3 backup for suh cases.

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